Your roofing system is your first line of defense against extreme weather elements, such as strong winds. However, when a severe storm moves through the area, strong winds can cause devastating damage to your asphalt roof. It’s necessary to be aware of how susceptible your roof is to wind damage so you know what to do in case of severe weather.

Here are some of the most common factors that affect a roof’s susceptibility to wind damage.
In general, roofs with higher slopes, longer gable lines and wider eave overhangs are more susceptible to wind pressure.
The area where your home is located is an important factor in determining the susceptibility of your roof to wind damage. Remember, stronger winds are expected in areas that are prone to hurricanes.
Poor Installation
Inadequate nails, misaligned shingles, improperly sealed flashings and poor workmanship can cause your asphalt roof to be more exposed to wind pressure. Call a roof repair expert to solve these issues before a storm reaches your area.
Quality of the Plywood Decking
Low-quality plywood will not last for several years. Be sure to invest in durable plywood so you can rely on it for a long time. Look out for plywood rot because this can cause the nails that fasten the shingles to become loose.
Quality of Nails
Ensure that your nails are of the highest quality. Remember that your shingles are only as good as the other materials you use.
If you suspect your roof is vulnerable to wind damage, consult a professional right away. Diamond Roofing Specialists, Inc. is composed of experienced roofers who are highly capable of delivering top-notch solutions. Schedule an appointment with us today by calling (203) 754-7884 or filling out our contact form. We proudly serve clients in New Haven, Bridgeport and Waterbury, CT.